WUDL Lawyer's Committee

The firms above are making a huge impact on local debate teams in the Greater Washington region. Their support has allowed us to substantially expand our reach and provide unique intellectual opportunities for young people in local public schools and to introduce the legal profession to hundreds of eager, interested students each year. 

Lawyer’s Council Members: 

  • Sponsor Tournaments
  • Coaching and/or sponsor specific school based teams
  • Providing guest speakers and webinars to share their expertise to local young people
  • Provide hundreds of hours of judging for local debates
  • Provide general operating support
  • Mentor young people interested in the law

The Lawyer’s Committee is a partnership between WUDL and select members of the local legal community to support and mentor students.

Debate is a natural partnership for the legal community, as students develop many skills that attorneys use every day like advocacy and communication skills, research skills, and critical and strategic thinking. In fact — 70.3% of Law School Deans recommend participation in debate for those interested in a career in law. (Colbert and Biggers, Journal of the American Forensic Association)

Many debaters consider careers in the legal field, a pipeline of diverse, talented students who already possess many of the traits needed to become excellent attorneys. While the path to a legal career is long and challenging, this partnership provides interested students with role models, mentors, and access to some of the area’s premier firms and attorneys.  

Debate is listed first among twenty other activities and academic specializations among recruiting directors at major law firms. (T.F. Scheckels, Applied Rhetorical Theory)